A downloadable game for Windows

When technology and religion merge, the loss of one involves the whole of society.

The Great Goddess is grieved and her tears trigger a deluge.
You play as a travelling restaurateur participating in the last great migration of humanity towards their salvation.

The highlight of the game is that it plunges the player directly into a unique and mysterious universe, inviting him to discover it during discussions with the different characters.

Vague à l'âme is a Submission for the Emotional Game Jam 2023, made in 48 hours, with the theme fragile and Poker Move.

We officially won the Best Emotional Game of the EGJ 2023 ! Thanks You and Good Job to everyone who participate !!

For a Better Experience, don't read what's bellow afte playing ! 

We decided to interpret the fragile theme by incorporating it into the world building, giving us the idea of creating a world at the twilight of its existence whose characters are confronted with the fragility of their beliefs. 
For Poker Move, we used this second theme in the fact that the characters' encounter with the player can impact their future in a consequent way without him knowing exactly how.
For us, the emotional side ha a great importance and we have tried to make it feel the best by making the pnjs endearing and giving them marked and unique personalities.

A Game by :

Tom Gâtineau (https://www.artstation.com/tomgatineau) - Game Design, Programing, QA and Integration

Hincourt (https://www.artstation.com/echinopsps) - Concept Art, Illustration, UI

Mahé (https://www.artstation.com/maheaheo) - Concept Art, Illustration, Blockout 3D

Erwann Pezeril (https://www.artstation.com/erwann_pezeril) - Writing


VagueALame.zip 413 MB

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